Day 2: What You Need to Know

Day 2 was when many of the more serious stuff happened! 🙂

How amazing are these ventures from different countries – contributing to the rise of digital business in ASEAN nations

It started with a keynote from Mr. Steven Sim Chee Keong, the Deputy Minister Youth & Sports Malaysia, followed by the first four sessions:

  • Session 1: ASEAN Towards a Digital Business Community
  • Session 2: Online Platform & Sharing Economy: Reshaping Entrepreneurship & Business Landscape
  • Session 3: Cybersecurity: Business Opportunity
  • Session 4: Optimizing E-businesses using E-wallet (FinTech)

    There was also a Demonstration of IoT and Sharing Session, followed by a Pecha Kucha Discussion and Presentation

All of the sessions were packed with informative data and fun nuggets that challenged our minds – what can we do as youth to contribute to own local economy? What are the things our countries lack and how can we help in little ways?

Collaborating with the delegates gave us an opportunity to really delve in to the importance of digital in helping scale digital business. For example, cashless transactions are widely-preferred in other Asian countries but it’s not as practiced here in the Philippines. Cybersecurity is not yet a fully-integrated aspect in our digital economy while it has already presented a huge benefit/opportunity in other nations.

On a lighter note and in the afternoon session, many of us were introduced to Pecha Kucha, a presentation approach involving twenty slides and twenty seconds to discuss each. It was a struggle for many, especially our friends who are non-English native speakers and those who weren’t as prepared with their topics. But for some, it was a breakout discovery – they had a gift for presentation and can effectively convince their audience that they know their topics in and out.

Published by Su

Su is a Communication and Media Studies graduate from the University of the Philippines-Visayas. She's proud to be a Filipina.

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